lunes, febrero 22, 2010

Medicine Drum

Hace ya 4 años que armé mi tambor y nunca había compartido esa experiencia.

Ahora que lo voy a utilizar mas seguido, encontré esto:

"This Medicine Drum Building Workshop is an opportunity to build your own 15″ shaman drum, a sacred instrument, healing tool as well as beautiful piece of art. In indigenous cultures and shamanic teachings, creating your own tools imbues them with your personal power, your personal medicine. This is extremely powerful.

Participants have expressed their awe and wonder at the creation process. Others have become aware of their resistance, or aware of embedded feelings associated with the animal whose hide they are holding in their bare hands. Grounding, sacred, emotional for some, challenging creatively for others. None the less, each participant goes home with their own drum, perfect in it’s own way.

When finished, the drum can be used at drum circles, private healings, shamanic journeying, connecting with the earth and many other ways. People have used them in Inipi ceremony or sweat lodge, one man was simply drumming in a field and the cows in the adjoining pasture came over to listen. He felt the cows were connecting with their relatives as his drum was cow hide. For him it was a magical experience.

Painting the drum is an individual experience. Some people paint, some leave their drum plain. It is best left to the day of the workshop to feel into what the drum is saying as it is created, or what messages you are getting during the day. Some people come with a rigid plan of what they will paint. It is up to each person how they would like to proceed. A sacred, spiritual experience for those called to be present, with compassion, care and love."

Tomado de


Mi tambor tiene 16" de diámetro y está fabricado con piel de Alce Americano (obtenida legalmente y bajo ceremonia especial para crear tambores), madera de roble de tierra sagrada (igualmente obtenida legalmente y bajo ceremonia especial para crear tambores) y la "baqueta" es de un árbol de guayabo de Cuernavaca (a petición de la shamana y con ayuda de Ivy).

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