martes, agosto 28, 2007

Tip WiFi y Mac OS X 10.4.10

Un interesante tip para solucionar algunos problemas de conectividad con bases inalámbricas y el sistema Mac OS X 10.4.10 lo encontré en el sitio :

TIP: Fix for AirPort problem with OS X 10.4.10

August 27, 2007

Michael Hurwitz passed on a workaround for problems with AirPort brought about by the Mac OS X 10.4.10 upgrade:

I too had this problem. AppleCare tech support helped me find the solution. I was using a WEP password, but not 13 characters. Once I changed my wireless password to 13, and I do mean exactly 13 characters - dropouts went away!

No lo he probado pero vale la pena intentarlo si tienes problemas de conexión con tu ruteador inalámbrico.

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